The industry standard
emissions calculator

COPERT is the EU standard vehicle emissions calculator. It uses vehicle population, mileage, speed and other data such as ambient temperature and calculates emissions and energy consumption for a specific country or region.

    Furthermore, COPERT is:
  • Internationally recognised — used by many European countries for reporting official emissions data.
  • A research tool — calculate emissions at a national, regional or local scale, and for annual to daily estimates.
  • Technologically advanced and transparent — COPERT’s methodology is published and peer-reviewed by experts of the UNECE LRTAP Convention.
  • Includes all main pollutants: greenhouse gases, air pollutants and toxic species.

Don’t know where to find data for running COPERT? We have all the data for you.


The development of COPERT is coordinated by the European Environment Agency (EEA), in the framework of the activities of the European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation. The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre manages the scientific development of the model. COPERT has been developed for official road transport emission inventory preparation in EEA member countries. However, it is applicable to all relevant research, scientific and academic applications.

The COPERT methodology is part of the EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook for the calculation of air pollutant emissions and is consistent with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions. The use of a software tool to calculate road transport emissions allows for a transparent and standardized, hence consistent and comparable data collecting and emissions reporting procedure, in accordance with the requirements of international conventions and protocols and EU legislation.

Technical features

Emission types
    COPERT estimates emissions from all relevant road vehicle operation modes:
  • thermal stabilised engine operation (‘hot’ emissions);
  • the warming-up phase (‘cold start’ emissions);
  • non-exhaust emissions (from fuel evaporation, tyre and brake wear emissions).
Vehicle categories
    COPERT contains emission factors for more than 450 individual vehicle types including for:
  • passenger cars;
  • light commercial vehicles;
  • heavy duty vehicles (including trucks and buses);
  • L-category vehicles (including mopeds, motorcycles, quads and mini-cars).


Each year, there are around 1 000 downloads of COPERT.

    The COPERT software is used in a variety of applications including:
  • by countries, to report official emissions data to UNFCCC, the UNECE LRTAP Convention and to the European Union;
  • scenario studies to support policy decisions;
  • input for air quality modelling studies;
  • calculating local transport emissions;
  • research, scientific and academic use.